Absent Justice Part 1, Part 2 and Part 3
Presented below are five excerpts from a collection of one hundred and fifty-one mini pages detailing corruption within the government-endorsed arbitration processes involving Telstra. These documents reveal alarming instances of bribery and malfeasance, alongside threatening conduct and other unscrupulous behaviours directed at numerous Australian citizens. These individuals participated in arbitration with Telstra, an Australian-owned corporation with a troubling history of siphoning funds from the government over an extended period. The revelations in these pages illuminate the unethical practices and injustices faced by those seeking fair resolution in their dealings with this influential corporation.
- Government Corruption - Gaslighting-www.absentjustice.com/tampering-with-evidence/government-corruption--gaslighting
Explore the intersection of government corruption and gaslighting in the case of Julian Assange, unveiling a tale of power and manipulation.
- Who was controlling the arbitrations?-www.absentjustice.com/manipulating-the-regulator/who-was-controlling-the-arbitrations-?
Corrupt practices by the government exacerbate inequality, poverty, social division, and environmental crises. Exposing and holding the corrupt accountable…
- Contact - Government Corruption-www.absentjustice.com/contact--government-corruption
Get in touch and stay informed about government corruption issues with Absent Justice. Contact us to join the fight for transparency and accountability…
- Chapter 4 Government spying-www.absentjustice.com/australian-federal-police-investigations-1/afp-investigation-2/chapter--4-government-spying
Explore revelations of government spying in Chapter 4 of AFP Investigation 2. Discover the truth about surveillance. Absent Justice - Seeking Transpar…
- Chapter 3 Dishonestly using corrupt government influence-www.absentjustice.com/manipulating-the-regulator/legal-bullying-in-arbitration/chapter-3-dishonestly-using-corrupt-government-influence
Dilapidated Copper-wire Network
An example of the type of corroded copper wire follows > Worst of the worst: Photos of Australia’s copper network | Delimiter
In the world of political and media misinformation that is attached to the NBN, there is one important issue that hasn’t been fully addressed – Does Australia’s copper network meet the original mandatory government regulatory requirements? If this question is answered honestly, it would directly affect billions of dollars in Commonwealth spending.
23 June 2015: Had the arbitrator appointed to assess my arbitration claims correctly investigated ALL of my submitted evidence he would have had to value my claim as an ongoing problem NOT a past problem as his final award shows. It is clear from the following link dated > Unions raise doubts over Telstra's copper network; workers using ... that when reading in conjunction with Can We Fix The Can which was released in March 1994, these faults copper-wire network faults have been in existence for more than 24-years.
3 December 2015: I reiterate, Telstra continued to conceal this type of sensitive material from AUSTEL from as far back to before our 1994 arbitrations. And here this news artcle has led to a huge blowout in Australia's National Broadband budget roll-out. The total bill to fix the faulty copper lines was estimated last year at $641M. “ow we find out the cost of upgrading the copper has blown out by almost 900 per cent”. https://shorturl.at/fkvYZ). If Telstra, the TIO and the COT arbitrator had not concealed the truth surrounding what the COT Cases had uncovered surrounding Telstra's ailing copper-wire network, the cost would have been significantly (millions upon millions) less than what it has cost the current government. Learn about government corruption and the horrendous crimes they commit
9 November 2017: Sadly, many Australians in rural Australia can only access a second-rate NBN. This didn’t have to be the case: had the Australian government ensured the arbitration process it endorsed to investigate the COT cases’ claims of ongoing telephone problems was conducted transparently, it could have used our evidence to start fixing the problems we uncovered in 1993/94. This news article See https://theconversation.com/the-accc-investigation-into-the-nbn-will-be-useful-but-its-too-little-too-late-87095 and Chapter 3 Lies under oath. again shows that the COT Cases claims of ailing copperwire network was more than valid.
Almost two decades after this cover-up had been executed, with the government spin doctors successfully branding my claims as frivolous and me as a vexatious litigant, I have been left the government stopped financing the roll-out of the National Broadband Network (NBN), which still utilises part of the existing, seriously degraded copper network. In fact, the “… state of the copper network is considerably worse than expected, leading to extensive work beyond the node,” say leaked documents.
28 April 2018: This ABC news article regarding the NBN see >NBN boss blames Government's reliance on copper for slow ... needs to be read in conjunction with my own story because had these lies told under oath by so many Telstra employees had not occurred then the government would have been in a better position to evaluate just how bad the copper-wire Customer Access Network (CAN) really was just 4-years ago.
Sadly, government corruption has allowed many Australians living in rural Australia to have only access a second-rate NBN. This didn’t have to be the case: if the Australian Government had ensured the arbitration process they endorsed to investigate the COT cases’ claims of ongoing communication problems had been conducted lawfully.

Introduction to Absent Justice Part 1, 2 and 3
Learn about government corruption and the horrendous crimes they commit Learn about unscrupulous criminals, corrupt politicians and the lawyers who control the legal profession in Australia.
Forced to proceed with arbitration
Government Corruption. Corruption

Chapter 6 - Clandestine meeting
Learn about government corruption and the horrendous crimes they commit Learn about unscrupulous criminals, corrupt politicians and the lawyers who control the legal profession in Australia.
Absent Justice Part 1 - Chapter 7 - Reinstated liability Clauses
This government corruption must stop. The horrendous crimes they commit must stop. These unscrupulous criminals, corrupt politicians and the lawyers who control the legal profession in Australia must be brought to account.

Absent Justice Part 1 - Chapter 8 - An Honest Arbitrator?
This government corruption must stop. The horrendous crimes they commit must stop. These unscrupulous criminals, corrupt politicians and the lawyers who control the legal profession in Australia must be brought to account.

Absent Justice Part 1 - Chapter 9 - A Comprehensive Log Of Fault Complaints
This government corruption must stop. The horrendous crimes they commit must stop. These unscrupulous criminals, corrupt politicians and the lawyers who control the legal profession in Australia must be brought to account.

Absent Justice Part 1 - Chapter 10 Julian Assange - Hacking
Government Corruption. Corruption in the public service, where misleading and deceptive conduct has spuriously over more than two decades perverted the course of justice.

Absent Justice Part 1 - Chapter 11 - Pressure Applied To Arbitrator
Government Corruption. Corruption in the public service, where misleading and deceptive conduct has spuriously over more than two decades perverted the course of justice.

Absent Justice Part 2 - Chapter 12 - Who Really Prepared the Arbitrator’s Award
Government Corruption. Corruption in the public service, where misleading and deceptive conduct has spuriously over more than two decades perverted the course of justice.

Absent Justice Part 2 - Chapter 13 - Believe it or not
Government Corruption. Corruption in the public service, where misleading and deceptive conduct has spuriously over more than two decades perverted the course of justice.

Absent Justice Part 2 - Chapter 14 - Was it Legal or Illegal?
This type of skulduggery is treachery, a Judas kiss with dirsty dealing and betrayal. This is dirty pool and crookedness and dishonest. This conduct festered corruption.